Why hearing health matters
When you hear well, you are well equipped to embrace the life you want
At Phonak, we believe that hearing well equates to well-being and is essential to living life to the fullest.
Growing evidence shows that treating hearing loss can positively impact your social-emotional, cognitive and physical well-being.1

Social-Emotional well-being
Hearing well allows us to be socially active, connect with others, and communicate effectively – without barriers.
Using hearing aids can improve your quality of life, social interactions, and relationship satisfaction for you and your loved ones.2
Cognitive well-being
The brain plays a crucial role in listening and speech understanding – it’s important to keep it stimulated.
That’s where hearing aids come into play. Hearing aid use is linked to improved memory3 and it has been shown to make listening easier.4

Physical well-being
Having the right hearing solution means that you are well-equipped to deal with different listening situations.
Hearing well provides you with greater environmental awareness fostering feelings of security and confidence.
1. Vercammen, C., Ferguson, M., Kramer, S.E., et al. (2020). Well-Hearing is Well-Being. Hearing Review, 27(3), 18-22.
2. Kamil RJ, Lin FR. The Effects of Hearing Impairment in Older Adults on Communication Partners: A Systematic Review. J Am Acad Audiol. 2015;26(2):155-182.
3. Karawani, H., Jenkins, K., & Anderson, S. (2018). Restoration of sensory input may improve cognitive and neural function. Neuropsychologia, 114, 203–213.
4. Winneke, A., Schulte, M., Vormann, M., Latzel, M. (2018). Spatial noise processing in hearing aids modulates neural markers linked to listening effort: an EEG study. AudiologyOnline, Article 23858.